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Showing posts with the label Attractions in Turkey

Largest Sinkhole in Turkey: Kızören Gölü

The largest sinkhole in Turkey was a nice stop on the way back from Salt Lake . This plateau (locals call it Obruk Plateau) has many sinkholes and this is one of the better ones. It is in fact the largest sinkhole in Turkey. I really don’t recommend seeing it unless it’s along the way. Facts about the sinkhole It is 228 meters across and 171 meters deep. The water is generally 140 meters deep (according to one local there) Set in limestone The water level fluctuates about 10 meters per year Most online pictures are misleading The picture above is a true representation of what Kizoren Sinkhole (or as the locals call it Kizoren Lake) looks like. There are so many pictures out there that doctor the picture up to appear with stunning colors. The truth is that it is pretty much as plain as you see it above. You will notice though that the sun shines across the sinkhole and the shades of light will cast slight hues on the water – from very dark red to green. But it’s nothing like those ...

Salt Lake, Turkey - Out of this World

Salt Lake, Turkey, or Tüz Gölü is another world experience. We went there with low expectations and now find ourselves going back there time and again to bring friends. After going there a few times, I want to share with you what we have learned and some tips to make your trip special. Like many tourist destinations in Turkey, this one is almost completely unexploited. No motels, developed beaches, or even road signs to give tourists the indication that this place is a must see. There aren’t even any proper roads! Hence, I would say this is an undiscovered treasure of Turkey. It doesn’t rate as high as say Pamukkale, but it’s not far behind. And if you know the right places to go, it’s unforgettable. Crystal formations on the shore. When you first drive by it, you are like “What!”. It should really be called The Red Sea. I didn’t use Photoshop or any special filter in my pictures. They are exactly what you see in August. But I will add that late summer is probably the best time ...